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Barcelona Moon Team welcomes its new partners onboard!. News, News (eng)

Barcelona Moon Team has the greatest pleasure to announce that the main space companies and institutions in Spain have committed to the project and its goals. GMV, EADS CASA Espacio and THALES ALENIA Space España join the only Spanish team in the competition to reach the Moon within 2014. The National Aerospace Technology Institute (INTA) also collaborates with the team.

Together with Galactic Suite, Altran, the Technical University of Catalonia and the Aerospace Technology Centre in Barcelona, the team completes now its capabilities to achieve a low cost mission to the Moon as a demonstration flight of a new paradigm for private access to space.

“This is an historical event”, Claramunt said, “All this companies have an amazing know how in cooperating in cutting edge agency projects. However this is something new and amazing for all of them, for they committed their enthusiasm and out-of-the-box thinking in doing a mission that will be an incredible challenge and opportunity for all of them. This is a historical opportunity for the country specially in a moment where Spain needs exciting and positive projects to move forward”.

The consortium currently works in the Phase A studies that will be completed by the end of January. In the next post we will be sharing more details of this team’s giant leap.

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