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Moon 2.0 Amb l’arribada de l’home a la Lluna fa 40 anys acabava la primera etapa en l’exploració espacial marcada per l’enfrontament entre els EUA i la URSS en el marc de la guerra freda. 500 milions de persones a tot el món van veure en directe l’esdeveniment, la major audiència televisiva … + More



The team is currently developing the mission analysis to detail all the aspects of the flight. It will start as (1) a primary payload of a comercial rocket, e.g.Falcon 9, although we are studying alternatives including teaming up with other GLXP competitors. Depending of the final choice, the launcher will position the Crui… + More

Meeting BMT with Ernest Companys (Technotrends)

Mr. Companys from the company Technotrends, leader in videoconferencing technology, received the team today. Tecnotrends will collaborate with the team to achieve close communications among the different parties invovled in the BMT project.… + More



The Rover Module (RM) architecture will be developed around its objective as a scientific and commercial cargo platform and it is defined by its main systems. The mobility syste… + More



SELENA (acronym for Sustainable Experiment on Lunar Exploitation using a Nanotechnology Approach) is an experiment to demonstrate in situ the presence of lunar volatiles and/or demonstrate the feasibility of extracting oxygen from the lunar regolith; it intends to use the principles of thermogravimetric (TG) analysis to col… + More