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BCNRV-05b: A second four wheeled version was produced for a landing site relatively flat and where obstacles bigger than 15cm are bypassed. The rover is conceived as a cargo platform where all six compartments are equally opened to the exterior. In this version, the solar panels unfold in a piramidal shape and the camera is […]



BCNRV-05a: BMT also iterated with a couple of four wheeled versions of its rover. This prototype has 4 retractable wheels that are deployed after landing. The size of the wheels have increased to overcome the obstacles, although the six wheeled has advantadges when the four front wheels create two virtual bigger ones. The four wheels […]





BMT unveils a new version for its lunar rover, the BCNRV.04. This prototype shows the new team strategy to develop a scientific and commercial cargo plattform. After early iterations with non-wheeled rovers, finally the baseline design will be similar to other common planetary rover designs with 4 or 6 wheels. This six wheeled version deploys […]

077.R62.LittleDog’ Robot

077.R62.LittleDog' Robot

LittleDog’ Robot. The Last Time we Saw the “LittleDog”, we Called him “Cute”. Now, here he is Nearly a Year Later and as you Can See, DARPA’s Experimental Robot Dog, Has Gotten a Lot More Graceful, Even Over the Rockiest of Terrain. Now, we Can Justifiably Call him Something between Uncanny and Scary. Most of […]

076.R61.Jumping robot

076.R61.Jumping robot

Jumping robot. Jumping and Rolling Robot Can Handle Any Terrain. Rhodri Armour, a PhD student from the University of Bath, has invented a robot that he hopes will be a model for future space exploration and land surveying robots. Called the Jollbot, it’s a spherical robot that rolls over smooth terrain and jumps “like a […]

075.R60.Micro air vehicle

075.R60.Micro air vehicle

Micro air vehicle. A video camera with wings is the way this little Micro Air Vehicle has been described (although no wings are in sight). It is set to become a part of some soldiers kit bags to help them do a little recon before heading into battle. >link



Jumping Micro-robot Inspired By Grasshoppers. Researchers from the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems at EPFL are unveiling a novel, grasshopper-inspired jumping robot at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation May 21 in Pasadena, California. >link >video >video



BARCELONA MOON TEAM rover BMTMR.02. Initial brainstorming for the BMT Lunar Module. Research was done around an unrolling solar panel’s concept.



BARCELONA MOON TEAM rover BMTMR.01. Initial brainstorming for the BMT Lunar Module. Research was done around a bouncing ball concept to roam the 500 meters.